These Are The Days
July 5, 2019
I would stand in the middle of a store with a crying baby on my hip and spit up stains down the back of my shirt and people would smile kindly and say “oh those were the days”.
Flash forward to chasing after a toddler who was as defiant as she was funny, and had a knack for public stunts especially when I was waddling pregnant with sciatica pain shooting up my body. People would stop and laugh and shake their heads and say “oh I remember those days, those were the days”.
When school started and suddenly they became more independent, more hard headed and more intelligent and I would constantly be reminded through my frustrations and joys of it all that “these were the days”.
13 years into all this. Motherhood, and before that… and I’m realizing now – they’re all the days.
All of them.
THESE are the days.
Every. Single. One.
They were before. And they are now.
They’re chaotic and messy, they’re hilarious and hard. They are a jumble of emotions and push you to the brink and pull you back from it all at the same time.
Every single day is the day. It’s the memories. It’s the moments and what we make of them.
They won’t be perfect, but they’re ours.
And THAT makes me really excited (and frankly relieved!) for more.