December 31, 2019

In the words of Janice “OHHHH MYYYYY GAWWWWWD” it’s your Birthday! Your day of birth. The day you came out of your mamas whoo haaa (you’re welcome for that reminder) and by golly, we’re going to celebrate it… and not just because it’s New Year’s Eve.
SO, Sarah, pour yourself a cup of coffee… wait, scratch that, make Shane pour you a cup of coffee (it is your birthday after all), sit back, make sure you have the tissues close and enjoy these messages and videos from your friends and family who love you so incredibly much.
Hi Mother Goose, too bad you’re not a boomer yet. At least you’re kind of a boomer. Happy 35th birthday Millennial.
Love, Daughter Goose.
You’re the best mother ever. I love that your birthday is on New Years b-word.
Love, Boden.
Wish you a very happy birthday! You’re the best mom in the world. ily.
– Jemma
Happy Birthday! I’m so lucky to wake up next to the best person in the world everyday. I love you more than Ross loves Rachel but not in a creepy Ross way.
– Shane

Before I met you I thought finding real friends as an adult was not possible. Adults are annoying and boring and have the potential to be secretly sexist. YOU NEVER KNOW. After I met you I realized it was possible to meet someone as an adult who could immediately become a kindred spirit. What I discovered about you is that you show up. You show up for women, you show up for your family, and you show up for your friends. You are authentic, you are funny, and you make my heart happy. You are officially on my list of women I would help hide a body. Friendship murder! I love you, and I’m so happy to have you on my street forever and ever DON’T EVER MOVE.
Dearest Sarah,
Lover of pink, writer of inspirational words, influencer of many, hater of Shane explaining games, mother of dragons, blamer of candle theft. You are so many great things but I like to summarize you as FRIEND. I am grateful for your sense of humor, compassion and great advice. You spend so much time uplifting and empowering so many, even when you are drained and tired you will drop everything to be there to help someone else. You are truly an amazing person, friend, mother…human.
So today, we celebrate you and your birth! (shout out to @thepapapapaya for being the CFO of your conception, please follow him on Instagram) Happiest of birthdays Sarah. Love you always
xoxo Tabi

Sarah! From the first time I met you, I knew you were a strong, real, badass woman and I wanted every woman to hear your amazing story and message! Your energy and spirit is electric and contagious, and I wish you your best year yet! Looks like it just keeps getting better. Ready to have many drinks and good times in Australia! Lots of Love & hugs
I am so glad I found you. You are the reason I love the internet. It brought us together, and it gave you a platform to change the world. I wish we lived closer, because you’re the kind of people I want to surround myself with. Happy Birthday Sarah!

Happy Birthday, Sarah! I am so grateful that a bright soul like you is lighting the way for a new conversation to take place. You have and continue to open new doors and break down walls with your big heart and bigger than life laughter. Cheers to another trip around the sun and enjoying the ride along the way.
xx Chrissy Abram
A human whose energy is magnetizing, raw, and filled with love.

I am SO glad to have you in my life. You are the sweetest papaya in the supermarket, the shiniest star in the galaxy and you put a huge smile on the face if everyone you meet!
Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday Sarah !! We’re so excited to have you as part of the Dear Media Studio Network. You’re such a bright light & provide such a unique outlook & perspective to women everywhere. We really admire your ability to be real without sugar-coating anything. Thank you for your continued inspiration & again, we’re so excited to have you as part of the DM team.
Lauryn & Michael Bosstick of The Skinny Confidential HIM & HER podcast
365 days has gone by and another is about to begin. Keep on shining girl! Wishing you another year full of happiness,adventures and memories 💕 xo
Megan Hack

Happiest of Birthday wishes to the most caring and ambitious badass babe that is also one of my closest friends! It’s been an honour to watch your journey to becoming the woman you are today and I feel blessed to have a front row seat to all of the places you’ll go and lives you are changing along the way! Love you
PS – I tried to get a message from JVN but I’d like to think he’d also like to wish you a happy day of birth with the word gorgeous worked in there somewhere.
PPS – if you’re a Papaya and reading this we invite you to share your birthday messages to Sarah on your stories!! We wish we could have included everyone in this blog hack but that would truly take 437 years to compile.