We Didn’t Know Then…
October 20, 2020
We didn’t know then.
We didn’t know that this new chapter would bring about whole new challenges.
We didn’t know that we would be separated for much of the big stuff.
We didn’t know that there would be so much light, and yet I would slip away into a whole new darkness.
We didn’t know that things would get complicated, and hard.
We didn’t know that some of these complications would demand new things of us. New intimacies, new frustrations.
We didn’t know how scary this would be, how little control we would have.
We didn’t know that some days the most we could do is hug and hold hands and say no words.
We didn’t know how much we would need each other, and how much I would need of him to get through.
We also didn’t know how much this would shape us and strengthen us.
We didn’t know how many new and simpler things would feel the most intimate and special.
We didn’t know that we could do this, and we are.
We didn’t know how as lonely as it could be, we could find understanding in each other.
We didn’t know that even in darkness, we could find joy and light and peace.
We didn’t know that we could walk bravely together, absolutely afraid.
We didn’t know.
And I’m glad we didn’t.
Because each day we are learning.
We’re doing what needs doing.
Holding hands.
Bravely together.
Absolutely afraid.