Living, In The Days After
March 20, 2020
Do you remember that one heartbreak?
That one.
The one that felt like your heart was ripping from your body.
Or maybe remember that time you got caught in a lie.
That fight you had with your parents.
That failing grade.
That rejection.
The friend who left you.
The loss of someone you loved so deeply.
Do you remember the sobs that shook you so hard you felt you couldn’t breathe?
How you’d scream in pain.
And curl into yourself.
You’d wake with eyes swollen, doing your best to hide just how awful it all was to be inside of you right then.
Do you remember that pain?
The moments that felt unending.
While it felt like it was all ending?
And yet here you stand.
Here you ARE.
Living in the days after.
Living past the ones you thought were the end.
Sometimes we get so numbed by life and the monotony of it all, we forget how magical we’ve become.
How each and every day is a proof of a strength we didn’t even know we had before.
How you standing,
You being.
Is truly a witness to a miraculous power.
A miraculous you.
Because here you are.
Here you stand.
Living, in the days after.