The Moment We Found Out
July 6, 2020
This is the moment we found out.
It was Mother’s Day, of all days.
I hadn’t suspected pregnancy like I had so many times before (which is why I had a test on hand).
So that evening, after Shane had made me a Mother’s Day dinner, I walked to the bathroom and saw the test sitting there, and chose to take it, not really thinking much of it.
I’d envisioned a million ways how this would happen. How I would surprise Shane with this kind of news.
But in that moment, I just raced to him and handed him the test. I think we needed to genuinely have that moment to digest. It lasted for 2 minutes and then we called our Moms.
Many have asked why I didn’t share earlier, perhaps to help with the stigmas around miscarriage. And truly, I’d always planned to. I always thought I would. But, with the times, we hadn’t even had the pregnancy confirmed until a week ago. I haven’t been to the midwives yet, just phone calls and awaiting tests. The ultrasound was the first time we knew it was real.
So that brings us here. I’m 11 weeks today, and due mid January 2021.
We still have many tests to come(some due to my age) and will continue to share about this pregnancy.
But, this is one facet of my life.
It will not be all of my content and all I talk about. It’s just the most real thing for us right now.
I can’t predict what my content will be like, I never have been able to do that anyhow. But, I CAN promise you it will be genuine, every step of the way. Every bump and hurdle of it.