The Pressure Cooker
April 9, 2020
We’re in a pressure cooker.
There’s no real other way to describe this time.
Tension and stress is building within the walls of our lives where we are kept until this is finished.
In all our years of dating, then into marriage just over a year ago, I don’t know that there’s been this much time together. Especially not as a family. The blended, custody-shared family that we are. So needless to say I was nervous for how this would all work.
It’s hard to speak positively into a circumstance that is killing thousands, financially burdening many, and creating a friction in society that we’ve never known before.
The pressure, collectively, is building.
But, if I may, I have to share where it’s releasing, too.
And that seems to be happening for us. Not all the time. Not every moment. But in great blips of release.
Maybe I just had a good day, I dunno.
I live with a lot of guilt that I’m in a healthy relationship now. It wakes me at night thinking of the sadness and fear that others are living with everyday, now more than ever. I’m often scared to show or say how happy we are, how well this is working out, for fear of it being salt in another’s wound.
But I stand on the other side of divorce, remarriage and blending a family.
I have to show you, that even in a hellish pressure cooker of a situation, you can have safety, respect, joy and laughter.
I have to bring it up, so that more know what is possible.
Perhaps I’m speaking to a silent audience. One that I know is there, in their own pressure cookers, not with any release.
I just need you to know an example of the other side.