The Broken Family
June 7, 2020
The language and labels we choose are so important.
Life changing, really.
The words placed on subjects begin determining a worth or value factor, even suggesting it’s truth.
Families of divorce are labeled “broken”.
Families not of divorced are labeled “whole”.
It wrecked me, those labels.
Paralyzed me with fear of them.
How, on the quest to being more whole, can you possibly begin with brokenness?
How could I let my children grow up in a broken home?
And yet,
Families together can be broken.
Families apart can be whole.
That’s a truth, too.
Just one we don’t talk of often.
Too hard to explain the complexities of that math.
But that’s our truth.
imperfect, but our whole.
2 + 1 parents.
2 homes.
3 kids.
1 common goal.
It’s not perfect. In fact, sometimes it feels really broken.
But this, right here and now, the last 5 years… is the best work I’ve done in giving my kids and myself wholeness.
It’s labeled broken.
But we know differently.
It’s our truth.
And that the truth that matters, as we live it.