Body Shaming & How Privilege Plays In
July 24, 2020
Angry? Furious? Hurt?
But here’s the thing…
Come closer… because this is important.
I never receive this type of hate without actively showing the areas of me publicly that are less socially acceptable. I get that choice. Daily. I can tuck it away and “hide” it, or show it.
For many, their less socially acceptable parts cannot be hidden, cannot be a choice. For they are their entire being.
It may not be said to their faces.
But it said in every ramp that isn’t there.
Every seat made 3 sizes too small.
Each doctors appt for a sore throat that was blamed on their weight.
The stores that don’t welcome them, or section them off from the rest based on sizing.
Get angry. Be furious. Feel hurt.
And let’s use it to see the bigger issue at hand.
I’m a size medium. I wear straight sizes (even while pregnant). I can shop anywhere. I can walk into a gym and exercise with ease. I’m fat shamed and body shamed daily. But, it’s still my choice to take that risk.
Many don’t have the privilege to have that choice.
Body shaming is never ok.
And the whole world has been participating in it, in ways we don’t even realize.
It’s been a privilege to never have to realize…