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I would stand in the middle of a store with a crying baby on my hip and spit up stains down the back of my shirt and people would smile kindly and say “oh those were the days”. ⁣

Flash forward to chasing after a toddler who was as defiant as she was funny, and had a knack for public stunts especially when I was waddling pregnant with sciatica pain shooting up my body. People would stop and laugh and shake their heads and say “oh I remember those days, those were the days”. ⁣

When school started and suddenly they became more independent, more hard headed and more intelligent and I would constantly be reminded through my frustrations and joys of it all that “these were the days”. ⁣

13 years into all this. Motherhood, and before that… and I’m realizing now – they’re all the days. ⁣

All of them. ⁣
THESE are the days. ⁣

Every. Single. One. ⁣

They were before. And they are now.
They’re chaotic and messy, they’re hilarious and hard. They are a jumble of emotions and push you to the brink and pull you back from it all at the same time. ⁣

Every single day is the day. It’s the memories. It’s the moments and what we make of them. ⁣

They won’t be perfect, but they’re ours. ⁣

And THAT makes me really excited (and frankly relieved!) for more.



