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I’m 50lbs heavier than when we met.

I think about that sometimes.
When the doubt creeps in.
When I feel unlovable.
For simply changing.

But then I remember the journey we’ve been on.
I remember that this change is actually a beautiful one.

It’s first dates.
Second dates.
The thousands of them more.

It’s the travel.
The taste of it.
The laughing til we’re sore.

It’s cocktails on a Friday.
The curling up on a Sunday.

It’s been sickness, overworking, joy and healing.

It’s having a baby together.
Woven inside my body.

It’s 50lbs of what’s made our family.

So when I think about it.
And the doubt creeps in.
I ask myself “what would you rather, have this life, or be thin?”

And I smile at him, and look at our life.

It’s not even a question.
I would do it all over again.